“Hurray, success!” Those are the words that I uttered after the successful five hundred steps trekking at the Elephant Mountain, Taipei. It was worth it.

I couldn’t contain my excitement, and I was a little nervous about climbing the five hundred steps of Elephant Mountain. It was one of the many activities we’ll be doing that I look forward to in Taiwan. When I am too excited, I sometimes forget my limits thus, I pray to God first when unsure of anything other than trusting myself. It gives me hope and strength to climb mountains and face challenges with confidence. 😇

We woke up extra early as we were very excited. Too keen to tick the activity off our bucket list as well. The only store we could grab our coffee that early was the seven eleven. They did have decent coffee somehow. Our excitement, I think, is enough to make us awake.

freshly brewed coffee by the friendly staff of 7eleven! They know how to speak in Tagalog!

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.”
― Eckhart Tolle, 

We begin our mornings with coffee and prayers to show gratitude to God for all His constant and innumerable blessings.

After our coffee session, we booked an uber to begin our adventure to Elephant Mountain. I was surprised at how steep the stairs were. It’s amusing to see old folks there. It boosts my faith a little. I mean, if they can do it, I should be able to as well, right?

Look at Lolo! Climbing on his way to the top! please wait for us, Lolo! 😅I remember my dad because he likes to walk and climb mountains. I hope he can do the same in the Philippines if we have this freely and readily available for everyone in our dear country.
hingal ka teh?😝

and we kept on climbing…

look at me, just trying different ways to climb, sideways, backwards, just my lame attempt to make it less tiring 😅

I remember hurrying myself up to get to the top quickly, and it’s a wrong idea. It was very tiring. Good thing we got towels and water. Being surrounded by many trees helped, and the weather was tolerable. Resting areas are available for everyone, where you can chill out a bit, take as many photos as you want, or gaze at the beautiful view.

We saw some insects that weren’t familiar to us as we got to the top. Please remember to bring insect repellent to prevent insect bites if you plan to go there. I can’t remember exactly how long it takes to get to the top. I know it’s the best spot to see the whole city of Taipei.

You may keep wandering in life all the time but one day life will take you to the place where you are meant to be
― Avijeet Das

I wandered everywhere, through cities and countries wide. And everywhere I went, the world was on my side. – Roman Payne

There’s only one place I want to go and it’s to all the places I’ve never been.
― Nikki Rowe

Blame our shaky knees

Time passed quickly at the top of the mountain. And we didn’t realize that. We decided to end the tour. We thought it was much easier to get off; it wasn’t. Blame our shaky knees! As we went down, we felt the shaking of our knees, and to relieve our tiredness, we thought to have fun as we went down, and we were glad to believe that some of our fellow tourists were enjoying our antics. 😅 We enjoyed interacting with our fellow adventurers, just what we all needed at those trying moments (shaking leg muscles).

“Without struggle, success is worthless.” 

We learned a lot from this tour, like understanding each person’s differences. And we can never have control over everything, no matter how much we try. Sometimes we have to accept the misfortunes, learn from them and laugh them off. As they say and with “they,” I meant google … “Without struggle, success is worthless.” 🤓

More photos are below. ⬇️

Xiangshan also known as Elephant Mountain, Taipei
Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan

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