Posts by Liz

Bella Montana: A Scenic Escape

Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Tarlac, Bella Montana offers a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. With its stunning views, lush greenery, and refreshing breeze, the farm provides a perfect setting for a picnic, family gathering, or simply a relaxing day in nature.

Upon arriving at Bella Montana, we were immediately captivated by the breathtaking scenery. The farm’s name, which translates to “Beautiful Mountain” in Italian, aptly describes the panoramic vista of Mount Arayat that greets visitors. The surrounding hills and valleys, painted in hues of green, add to the farm’s picturesque charm.

As we settled into our picnic spot, we couldn’t help but notice the vast expanse of sandy areas. While the sand adds to the farm’s rustic appeal, it also poses a challenge during windy days. The wind can whip up the sand, making it uncomfortable and potentially damaging to personal belongings. A layer of grass would certainly enhance the overall experience.

Another concern we encountered during our visit was the presence of stray dogs. We witnessed one of the dogs attacking a goat, and the sight was quite unsettling. The farm’s management should consider addressing this issue, such as constructing higher fences. The safety of both visitors and their pets should be a top priority.

The distance to the restrooms was another aspect that could be improved. For senior citizens or individuals with mobility challenges, the long walk to the toilets could be quite inconvenient. Having additional restrooms strategically located throughout the farm would make the experience more comfortable for all visitors.

Despite these shortcomings, we thoroughly enjoyed our time at Bella Montana. The local staff and gardeners were extremely helpful and friendly, even going to the rescue of a baby goat whom a stray dog was harassing. Their kindness and care for the animals were truly heartwarming.

Overall, Bella Montana offers a unique and memorable experience, particularly for those seeking a connection with nature. The farm’s stunning scenery, refreshing ambiance, and welcoming atmosphere make it an ideal destination for a day trip or a weekend getaway. With a few improvements, such as addressing the sand and stray dog issues, Bella Montana could further enhance its reputation as a premier eco-tourism destination.

Turning 41: Lessons Learned and the Importance of Trusting God

As I stand on the precipice of my 41st year, I can’t help but reflect on the incredible journey that has brought me here. It’s been a road filled with laughter, tears, triumphs, and setbacks, each shaping me into the person I am today.

Amidst the whirlwind of life, one of the most profound lessons I’ve learned is the unwavering power of trust in God. It’s a trust that has anchored me through life’s storms, providing a sense of peace and solace even in the darkest of times.

This unwavering trust isn’t about blind faith or passive acceptance; it’s about actively acknowledging God’s presence in my life and surrendering to His guidance. It’s about believing that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, He has a plan, and His plan is good.

Along with this newfound trust, I’ve also learned the importance of letting go of relationships that no longer serve me. Sometimes, we hold on to people who bring more negativity than positivity into our lives, individuals who drain our energy and constantly bring us down. Letting go of these toxic relationships isn’t easy; it requires courage, self-awareness, and a deep understanding of what we deserve. It’s about recognizing that we are worthy of love, respect, and support, and that we shouldn’t settle for anything less.

This toxic behavior extends beyond romantic relationships and seeps into our friendships as well. We may encounter people we consider friends who are only there for their own benefit, constantly putting us down and making us feel small. These individuals often use humor as a weapon of insult, their ‘jokes’ disguised as jabs intended to diminish our self-worth.

Letting go of these false friendships, much like toxic romantic relationships, requires courage and self-awareness. It’s about recognizing that true friends uplift us, encourage our growth, and celebrate our successes. They are a source of support, not a drain on our energy.

Embracing this newfound freedom has been liberating. It has allowed me to cultivate relationships that nurture my soul, connections that inspire me to grow and become the best version of myself.

As I embark on my 41st year, I carry these lessons close to my heart, forever grateful for the wisdom they have imparted. I continue to trust in God’s unwavering guidance, knowing that He will lead me towards a brighter future. And I embrace the power of letting go, moving forward with a heart open to genuine connections and a spirit that refuses to be dimmed by negativity.

To those who are on their own journeys of self-discovery, I encourage you to embrace the lessons that life throws your way. Trust in the power of faith, let go of what no longer serves you, and open your heart to the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” 33 Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.” 33 But don’t fool yourselves. Don’t let yourselves be poisoned by this anti-resurrection loose talk.

My First Good Airbnb Experience at Sunset Villas by Alperi

A Great Airbnb Experience After a Disappointing One

After our disappointing first Airbnb experience, we were hesitant to try again. But we’re so glad we did, because our stay at Sunset Villas by Alperi was amazing!

A Clean, Spacious, and Pet-Friendly Villa

From the moment we arrived, we were impressed with the property. The villas are clean, spacious, and well-maintained. The staff is accommodating and friendly. And the best part is, it’s very pet friendly!

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