Posts by Liz

Feel at home at Aruga Apartments by Rockwell – Thank you for the “aruga”

We had an amazing stay at Aruga! It was definitely a memorable experience, and we highly recommend it to anyone looking for a safe and peaceful getaway. The sanitary measures and protocols were very intensive and made us feel comfortable throughout our stay. The city views were absolutely breathtaking, and the internet connection was very reliable – we had no problems staying connected. The staff was extremely professional and attentive, which made our stay even more enjoyable. Additionally, the nearby shopping mall and local coffee houses were a huge plus for us. We will definitely be coming back here in the future! It’s worth noting that Aruga is “Staycation approved” and is not a quarantine facility.

I want to express my gratitude towards the staff of Aruga for making our stay even more amazing by upgrading our room. It was such a thoughtful gesture and it made us feel truly appreciated. Thank you so much! 😊

The location of the hotel is very convenient as it is just a short walk away from both the mall and restaurants. Additionally, I appreciate that the other facilities, such as the pool area, were still accessible, provided that an advance reservation was made. Thank you for providing such great service! 😊

My favorite part of our room in Aruga – the city view plus coffee. What else could you ask for?

Overall, I highly recommend this hotel to anyone visiting the city. The staff was friendly and accommodating, the amenities were excellent, and the location was convenient. I hope my review has been helpful, and I can’t wait to visit again in the future!

Hello, New Year 2021! Taking a Step Back: The Importance of Disconnecting from Technology in Today’s World (long post ahead)

First of all, let’s acknowledge the end of a year filled with unexpected events. It’s important to reflect on the lessons learned and appreciate the growth that comes from facing challenges. Despite the difficulties of 2020, we have gained valuable insights about ourselves and the world around us. Let’s express gratitude for the experiences that have strengthened us and inspired us to strive for more.

In my experience, it’s not always about the year itself, but rather how we react and adapt to the challenges that come our way. It’s true that 2020 was a difficult year for many, but it’s important to remember that we all face struggles and unexpected events in our lives. I learned this lesson firsthand last year and it has helped me to approach difficult situations with a more positive and resilient mindset.

As we start this new year, I’m excited to see what opportunities and challenges come my way. One thing I’ve learned is that it’s important to be adaptable and open to change. Instead of focusing on specific goals or resolutions, I’m choosing to trust in the journey and have faith that everything will fall into place. Letting go and letting God has brought me a sense of peace and clarity, and I’m looking forward to seeing where this mindset takes me in the year ahead.

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This is How I Relax on Lazy Sundays

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin leo ut quam bibendum commodo. Cras rutrum ex a mollis aliquet. Fusce ligula leo, feugiat vel elementum vel, vehicula quis tortor. Duis facilisis, lacus eu tincidunt dictum, ex sem rhoncus massa, accumsan rutrum lectus enim ut est. Etiam pharetra justo non felis euismod, id finibus quam fermentum. Nulla lectus augue, convallis a magna nec, maximus mollis ante. Maecenas nec risus in ligula ultrices iaculis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Fusce tincidunt hendrerit massa, ut elementum massa dignissim id. Ut faucibus lacinia sapien non vehicula. Nullam varius, metus quis sodales lacinia, neque nisi convallis urna, non pulvinar nibh dolor et quam. Nulla mattis lacus id ante congue vestibulum eget non felis. Donec sit amet neque eget ligula iaculis venenatis ornare ut arcu. Donec egestas, augue sit amet consequat bibendum, risus ipsum commodo tortor, vel pulvinar leo ante eget magna. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean mauris leo, auctor nec accumsan id, vestibulum ac justo.

Proin lectus orci, posuere a maximus eu, venenatis vel nisi. Aenean rutrum nisi dolor, nec dignissim dui mollis ac. Praesent eleifend mauris tellus, at fermentum risus sodales ut. Aenean ac nisi lacinia, iaculis metus auctor, tincidunt metus. Fusce at nunc felis. Nulla magna tellus, molestie nec ex at, blandit pulvinar felis. Nunc eu facilisis nulla. Duis fermentum ante in magna aliquam, ut sodales lorem consectetur. Nam imperdiet nec nisi at euismod. In nec venenatis dui.

Mauris arcu nisi, euismod sed quam a, iaculis ornare mi. Nulla rhoncus aliquam augue non blandit. Praesent faucibus lorem tristique lorem lacinia efficitur finibus id quam. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis mollis in ligula in maximus. Vestibulum fermentum tellus et augue tempor fringilla. Ut bibendum nunc id ipsum facilisis consectetur. Morbi sit amet aliquam eros. Morbi varius, leo sit amet condimentum mollis, est enim tempor eros, eget hendrerit enim nibh id libero. Aliquam mauris magna, aliquam id nisi quis, mollis rutrum urna. Maecenas urna purus, molestie at mollis a, volutpat vitae dolor.

Nunc posuere quam risus, sed tempor ligula consectetur viverra. Quisque condimentum lorem at felis vulputate, non rhoncus erat aliquam. Phasellus gravida tellus at porta commodo. Vestibulum vitae orci velit. Ut eu lectus ut justo tempor posuere. Quisque feugiat congue justo. Phasellus a mollis lacus. Proin tortor tellus, rutrum vel velit maximus, tincidunt facilisis enim. Vestibulum efficitur, ex at accumsan varius, velit arcu dapibus libero, nec convallis leo sapien vel risus.