Posts in my thoughts

Happy New Year 2023! Grateful for the past year, 2022!

This year has been one of the swiftest and most eventful of my life. It’s definitely unforgettable, but even if I try to list everything that’s happened, I don’t think I can. There’s just been so much going on! I’m sure there will be something I forget, but I’ll make sure to share the big and important moments.

Living with the parents

Last year, my family and I made the decision to move into a new house with my parents, who are now in their senior years. We wanted to make sure they were taken care of and that they were always with us. There are definitely good days and bad days, but we trust in God to help us through it all. Occasionally, my parents will go visit my sister to spend time with their grandchildren, and it warms our hearts to see them so happy. We pray that we will continue to have good health so that we can take care of them in the future.

We became Fur parents! 

I guess “parent” is the theme for 2022.

We were blessed with the arrival of our furbabies – Puto, Banina, and Yuuki. It was a wonderful surprise as we weren’t prepared for them, but we believe that it was God’s plan for us to have them. Our ultimate goal is to shower them with all the love and care they deserve, and we pray that they will have a happy and healthy life with us for many years to come.

Election day 

Last year was a challenging time for some individuals, marked by chaos and bitterness. It put friendships and family relationships to the test, often over trivial matters. Sadly, some were hurt without realizing they had inflicted pain on others. These individuals believe they are always right, failing to assess their situations before speaking hurtful words. In such moments, it can be difficult to express oneself as it feels like everyone is poised to attack. However, we persevered with God’s help, not succumbing to the hurtful opinions of others, even from friends or family. This is now behind us. Let us look forward to 2022, knowing that some experiences will linger in our minds and hearts. Yet, we must learn to forgive, as God commands us to do so. He is merciful and just.

Blessings, blessings, and more blessings!

Despite the challenges we faced last year, we were able to remain resilient with the help of God. As we move forward into 2022, let us focus on the many blessings that await us. We are grateful to have resumed attending church and have adapted well to the new normal. If we fall ill, we can draw strength from prayer to aid in our recovery. 

This is 40.

As I turned 40, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment as a woman. It’s tough to live up to society’s expectations of what we should achieve by this age. But, the pandemic has taught me that life is about more than just fleeting successes. Our ultimate goal is to be worthy of God’s salvation and to be brought to the Holy Land when the Lord Jesus returns. If you have a personal relationship with God, then you know that He knows your past, present, and future. Nowadays, I focus on my salvation and preparing for the Holy City instead of chasing temporary things like career success. I’ve learned to stop overthinking and not get too caught up in the opinions of others. My peace of mind is essential to me, and I’ve stopped insisting on what’s right and wrong. Let’s all strive to live a life that pleases God and follow His commandments.

Lessons, lessons, and more lessons!

The year 2022 taught me a valuable lesson about the significance of not reacting to everything. Embracing humility has brought me immense peace. I have realized the importance of cultivating genuine friendships with true friends and being more tolerant and understanding of those who do not fall into that category. Cutting people out of my life is not my first resort anymore; instead, I try to embrace people’s differences. If I sense that my personality clashes with someone else’s, I make a conscious effort to avoid conflict. However, if I cannot avoid it, I trust in God’s wisdom to remove me from the situation because I am committed to avoiding sin. This is based on my personal experience, where God has removed several people from my life due to my own wrongdoing, while for others, He has softened their hearts.

Forever Thankful No Matter What

Looking back on 2022, I realized the importance of self-reflection and living according to God’s will. In today’s world, it can be difficult to remain kind and faithful amidst various temptations. However, our faith in God must remain strong, especially as the world continues to deteriorate. While waiting for the return of Jesus, we must be patient and endure hardships, knowing that it will all be worth it in the end. Reflecting on my year, I experienced both hardships and blessings. During a particularly challenging time, I found comfort in simply allowing God to listen to my tears. I am grateful for all the moments of pain and joy that God has brought into my life, and I pray that He will continue to be with me in the years to come. Before I conclude, I’d like to share one of my favorite Bible verses. Please note that I am not imposing my beliefs on anyone; we all have a personal relationship with God, and my only desire is to be in the holy city with you. Working on ourselves to be better in the eyes of God is a worthy pursuit, regardless of what others may think. As the Bible says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

How are you, really?

Lessons Learned During the Pandemic

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned during the pandemic is that everyone faces tough times. While some individuals may handle it better, most struggle. It’s essential to keep in mind that the world doesn’t revolve around us. If a friend or family member seems distant or uncommunicative, it’s not necessarily about us. Sometimes people are uncomfortable discussing certain things with others. Personally, I find comfort in confiding in God. Rather than assuming someone is being snobbish, self-centered, or annoying, it’s best to be sensitive to their feelings. If someone is keeping their distance, it’s not always personal. We should respect their space and offer our prayers and support. It’s crucial to remember that challenging situations can impact people in various ways.

In my life journey, I’ve had the honor of encountering people from various social backgrounds. I have great respect for those who display remarkable resilience regardless of their situation. Their ability to maintain grace and composure in the face of adversity is truly remarkable as if they are entirely impervious to anxiety.

The Importance of Exercising Self-Control and Respecting Boundaries on Social Media

I firmly believe that constantly complaining on social media and engaging in online arguments is not a productive use of one’s time. These individuals seem to have an insatiable desire to be superior to others and are highly competitive. Regrettably, they also use social media to share both their happy and sad moments, often with captions that insult people they dislike. While I empathize with their coping mechanisms, it’s imperative to acknowledge that too much of anything is never a good thing. It’s crucial that we all exercise self-control and respect boundaries, but unfortunately, some individuals disregard these boundaries in their pursuit of being the center of attention. This is a harsh reality that we must confront.

A Genuine Friend: A Story of Compassion and Kindness

I have a dear friend who is truly genuine. I feel incredibly fortunate to have her in my life because of her unwavering kindness. She is not one to share her personal problems publicly, preferring to confide in only a select few whom she trusts completely. Her sensitivity is such that she can feel the emotions of others, even their sorrow and pain. Despite this, she always chooses to respond with compassion rather than judgment.

A Calming Presence Amid Life’s Challenges

She is a calming presence, like the serene sea that remains steady even as life’s challenges ebb and flow around her. Sometimes, however, she disappears and I don’t hear from her. It’s as if the waves of life have knocked her down so hard that she can’t get back up. But then, after months of waiting, she returns stronger than ever. I feel her energy, hear her laughter, and sense her heart bursting with dreams and hope once again.

Genuine Concern for Others

One day, I finally asked her how she was doing. She replied with genuine concern for me, asking how I was and what was new in my life. She invited me to share everything that was on my mind because she truly cares. I am grateful for her friendship and the kindness she shows to everyone around her.

Hey there, I hope you’re doing okay. I believe that it’s important to share everything you’re going through with God first. Putting Him first in your life can help you find peace and comfort during tough times. It’s okay to feel sad, hurt, and disappointed by people and events in your life. We all experience difficult emotions at times. Just remember that God is always there to guide us and help us through those tough times. If you ever need someone to talk to, please know that there are people who are willing to lend their ears to you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help. Remember, everything’s coming up roses for those who believe in God.

As our conversation deepened, I gained a greater understanding of her and her unwavering faith. I commend her for her remarkable strength and perseverance in the face of adversity. It dawned on me that not everything that glitters is gold. The most unassuming things in life possess an intangible quality that makes them invaluable – just like her. She is content with being true to herself and doesn’t feel the need to conform to society’s standards. She exudes a radiance that emanates from within, making even the darkest of shadows cower in her presence. She values authenticity and cherishes her loved ones deeply. Her positive presence on social media is a rare gem that shines brightly. I admire how she portrays her simple and peaceful world to the chaotic and noisy one. She stays true to her beliefs and never judges others. Instead, she distances herself from those who don’t resonate with her while praying for their well-being. In my opinion, that’s more than enough.

The Comforting Belief in the Power and Justice of God

It is comforting to believe in the power and justice of God. He is aware of those who are suffering and in pain, and will guide us to a better path away from this cruel world. He is the only constant presence, a true and reliable friend. And with the companionship of Lord Jesus, we are blessed with two unwavering friends who will never abandon us in any circumstance.

The Unending Love of God and Lord Jesus

I want to express gratitude to God and Lord Jesus for their unending love. They love us not only during sunny days and calm oceans but also during chaotic storms and rough waves. Their unwavering love and support are felt even during the toughest days. They are our best friends and allies in this challenging life. Despite the many hardships that come my way, I find comfort in their love and presence, knowing I am not alone. 🙏🏻

I want to share a verse that shows the qualities of a true friend demonstrated by God and Lord Jesus.

[Proverbs 27:6 The Voice Translation]

“Wounds inflicted by the correction of a friend prove he is faithful; the abundant kisses of an enemy show his lies.”