Finally, we landed safely in Taiwan! We are excited to explore Taipei and the many Specialty Coffee houses that await us. I look forward to this trip; we have been planning it for the past years. But there are events in our lives that we have no control over. Sometimes in life, we have plans that don’t work out in our favor, and it’s okay because I always believe that everything happens for a reason, and it’s always God’s timing.

The arrival

The weather in Taipei is unpredictable. We arrived at 10:00 am at Taoyuan International Airport. The weather was gloomy, and I thought it might be raining, but no, the sun was shining on us, and we were so excited! And since we arrived at the hotel early before our check-in, we first took a walk to the nearest park. We talked about how grateful we were for all the good (even the bad things) that had happened to us. I don’t know about you, but there’s something in the park that will make you stop and contemplate your life. I hope we also have more parks in the Philippines, like in Taiwan.

Photos I took from Lin-Sen Park.

Time passed, and we didn’t notice it. We decided to start looking for coffee shops. As we walked by, we spotted a Coffee shop named Show Cafe. Surprisingly, this is a cafe in Cinema. We were amazed that there was a cinema next door, not the mall. We did not hesitate and entered the Show Cafe building on the 5th floor of the said building.

The staff immediately brought us to our assigned table and gave us their menu at the Cafe.

We had a funny and unforgettable story at this Cafe. Let me share the story about it.

The story that makes this travel exceptional

As travel enthusiasts and coffee shop lovers, we love to ensure we can still enjoy our Coffee session while surfing the net (sorry for the old term, haha). We asked for their wifi password, and the server immediately provided the password, but unfortunately, it did not work. So we asked him about it, but he didn’t know how to do it. He looked for their Manager, and their Manager gave us a new password, and the password was still wrong. We informed them that it was okay.

We stopped asking them, but the Manager insisted on helping us. He left us, and we have no clue that he went to the IT department and returned with good news; he said they gave us the wrong password. It’s hilarious, but at the same time, it’s heartwarming. He didn’t stop until he helped us. It was a great experience and exceptional service from the Show Cafe manager. We are very grateful to him. 🙂

We enjoyed our stay in this Cafe. Here are some of the photos that I took.

Flat white coffee

And that’s the end of our first of many Coffee shop stops in Taiwan! See you in my next blog about the other coffee places we tried! Ciao!

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