Posts in Coffee

Feel at home at Aruga Apartments by Rockwell – Thank you for the “aruga”

We had an amazing stay at Aruga! It was definitely a memorable experience, and we highly recommend it to anyone looking for a safe and peaceful getaway. The sanitary measures and protocols were very intensive and made us feel comfortable throughout our stay. The city views were absolutely breathtaking, and the internet connection was very reliable – we had no problems staying connected. The staff was extremely professional and attentive, which made our stay even more enjoyable. Additionally, the nearby shopping mall and local coffee houses were a huge plus for us. We will definitely be coming back here in the future! It’s worth noting that Aruga is “Staycation approved” and is not a quarantine facility.

I want to express my gratitude towards the staff of Aruga for making our stay even more amazing by upgrading our room. It was such a thoughtful gesture and it made us feel truly appreciated. Thank you so much! 😊

The location of the hotel is very convenient as it is just a short walk away from both the mall and restaurants. Additionally, I appreciate that the other facilities, such as the pool area, were still accessible, provided that an advance reservation was made. Thank you for providing such great service! 😊

My favorite part of our room in Aruga – the city view plus coffee. What else could you ask for?

Overall, I highly recommend this hotel to anyone visiting the city. The staff was friendly and accommodating, the amenities were excellent, and the location was convenient. I hope my review has been helpful, and I can’t wait to visit again in the future!

We were in Taiwan! Eddie Wow!

My best friend and I spent six days and five nights in Taiwan to celebrate our ten years of friendship. During our trip, we visited multiple coffee shops, each one becoming a favorite in its own way. However, there was one specialty coffee shop that caught our attention before our trip.

Interestingly enough, the coffee shop’s name was “Edi wow,” which is a Filipino expression used to show someone that you’re impressed with what they’ve done or to indicate that no one cares sarcastically. Despite its unusual name, we included it in our itinerary because we wanted to try it out.

On the day of our visit, we woke up early since it was the only cafe near our hotel that opened at 7:00. Most coffee shops in Taipei open from 10 AM onwards, which seemed strange to us since we usually need our morning coffee. As expected, we arrived before the cafe opened and eagerly waited for its doors to open.

It’s funny how we’re always early at the cafe!

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the staff finally arrived and warmly welcomed us inside. While they were preparing our order, we took some photos of the cafe’s cozy ambiance. It may not be as picture-perfect as some cafes, but it has a homely charm that we enjoyed. As someone who likes things organized, I noticed a few things that could be improved in terms of aesthetics, but it didn’t detract from our overall experience. I could show you some photos to give you an idea of what I mean. (Marie Kondo would probably have a field day with this place 😊)

We had a wonderful time at the cafe despite not being too impressed with the interior. The highlight of our visit was definitely the excellent coffee; they really know what they’re doing! Personally, I highly recommend trying their Matcha Latte, which pairs perfectly with their delicious chicken sandwich.

their mugs are so classy

As we sipped our delicious coffees, we couldn’t help but chat and enjoy the passing time. I particularly enjoyed our seating arrangement right by the window, which provided a lovely view of people calmly going about their day. It was a truly relaxing experience.

Taiwan is a truly amazing place with so much to offer. From their cozy coffee shops to their wonderful people and places, there’s so much to love about this country. I’ve always been fascinated by their culture and the peaceful way of life that many of the locals seem to embrace. I can’t wait to learn even more about Taiwan and all that it has to offer!